Shih Yung Chun(b.1978) lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan. He received his B.F.A. in the Department of Western Fine Arts from the National Taiwan University of Arts. He has held solo exhibitions at HiArt space (2021, Shanghai), YIRI ARTS (2021, Taipei), Hive Center for Contemporary Art (2019, Beijing), 798 Line-Gallery (2016, 2012, Beijing), Art Experience Gallery (2015, Hong Kong), and more. He has also participated in group exhibitions at KICHE (2024, 2023, Seoul), Heide Museum of Modern Art (2024, Melbourne), YIRI ARTS (2024, 2018, Taipei), Taitung Art Museum (2023, Taitung), Long Museum West Bund (2022, Shanghai), Hive Center for Contemporary Art (2021, Beijing), FreeS Art Space (2018, Taipei), Long Museum Pudong (2013, Shanghai), and more.
b. 1978, Lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan
2003 B.F.A., Department of Western Fine Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2021 Breath under Masks, hiart space, Shanghai, China
Resume, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Pre-Construction, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2016 Family Handcraft, 798 Line-Gallery, Beijing, China
2015 Game Instructions, Art Experience Gallery, Hong Kong
2014 Delicate Vintage Shop Project, Delicate Vintage Shop, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Zakka, Piaopiao Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2012 Soap Opera, 798 Line-Gallery, Beijing, China
2005 Reluctant to Forget, then, Look at it one more time, Tzi-Chong 284, Guandu, Taipei, Taiwan
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 -Director, KICHE, Seoul, Korea
HAIR PIECES, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne, Australia
2023 Landscape and Depth, KICHE, Seoul, Korea
Peter Pan Syndrome, Taitung Art Museum, Taitung, Taiwan
Global Citizens - Asia, TheShopHouse & HypeArt, Hong Kong
2022 Being In the World: The Tenth Anniversary of the Long Museum, Long Museum West Bund, Shanghai, China
2021 A Couple of: The Dual-mechanism of the New Generation of Asian Artists,
Hive Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2020 To Martian Anthropologists, NTPC Art center, New Taipei City, Taiwan
2018 How do you Define ARTIST?, FreeS Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
Antique, YIRI ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan
2013 Clues of Asia, Long Museum Pudong, Shanghai, China
Hidden Track, Art Experience HK, Hong Kong
2012 Near of Far-Group Exhibition of Young Artists, 798 Line-Gallery, Beijing, China
Future Pass, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
2003 Painting, South-North Gallery of Taipei National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
Working Museum, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
2002 First Floor Indoor, Open Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan
White Rabbit Gallery, Australia
Tailor shop, National taiwan museum of fine arts, Taiwan
Long Museum, China
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan
Shuan-Ho Art Exhibition, Taiwan
National Museum of History, Taiwan
시용춘(b.1978)은 대만에서 거주 및 활동을 이어가고 있는 작가로 국립대만예술대학교에서 서양화과 학사를 졸업했다. 주요 개인전으로 HiArt space (2021, 상해), YIRI ARTS (2021, 타이베이), Hive Center for Contemporary Art (2019, 베이징), 798 Line-Gallery (2016, 2012, 베이징), Art Experience Gallery (2015, 홍콩) 등이 있다. 그리고 기체 (2024, 2023, 서울), 하이데 현대미술관 (2024, 멜버른), YIRI ARTS (2024, 2018, 타이베이), 타이둥 미술관 (2023, 타이둥), 롱 뮤지엄 웨스트번드 (2022, 상해), Hive Center for Contemporary Art (2021, 베이징), 푸리서 예술공간 (2018, 타이베이), 롱 뮤지엄 푸동 (2013, 상해) 등 여러 단체전에 참여했다.
b. 1978, 대만 타이베이 거주 및 활동
주요 개인전
2021 ≪Breath under Masks≫, hiart space, 상해, 중국
≪Resume≫, 이리 아츠, 타이베이, 대만
2019 ≪Pre-Construction≫, Hive Center for Contemporary Art, 베이징, 중국
2016 ≪Family Handcraft≫, 798 Line-Gallery, 베이징, 중국
2015 ≪Game Instructions≫, Art Experience Gallery, 홍콩
2014 ≪Delicate Vintage Shop Project≫, Delicate Vintage Shop, 타이베이, 대만
2013 ≪Zakka≫, Piaopiao Gallery, 타이베이, 대만
2012 ≪Soap Opera≫, 798 Line-Gallery, 베이징, 중국
2005 ≪Reluctant to Forget, then, Look at it one more time≫, Tzi-Chong 284, 관두, 타이베이, 대만
주요 그룹전
2024 ≪사이/연출자≫, 기체, 서울
≪HAIR PIECES≫, 하이데 현대미술관, 멜버른, 호주
2023 ≪풍경과 깊이≫, 기체, 서울
≪Peter Pan Syndrome≫, 타이둥미술관, 타이둥, 대만
≪Global Citizens - Asia≫, TheShopHouse & HypeArt, 홍콩
2022 ≪Being In the World: The Tenth Anniversary of the Long Museum≫, 롱 뮤지엄 웨스트번드, 상해, 중국
2021 ≪A Couple of: The Dual-mechanism of the New Generation of Asian Artists≫,
Hive Center for Contemporary Art, 베이징, 중국
2020 ≪To Martian Anthropologists≫, NTPC Art center, 신베이, 대만
2018 ≪How do you Define ARTIST?≫, 푸리서 예술공간, 타이베이, 대만
≪Antique≫, 이리 아츠, 타이베이, 대만
2013 ≪Clues of Asia≫, 롱 뮤지엄 푸동, 상해, 중국
≪Hidden Track≫, Art Experience HK, 홍콩
2012 ≪Near of Far-Group Exhibition of Young Artists≫, 798 Line-Gallery, 베이징, 중국
≪Future Pass≫, 진르미술관, 베이징, 중국
2003 ≪Painting≫, 국립 타이베이 예술대학 사우스-노스 갤러리, 타이베이, 대만
≪Working Museum≫, Open Contemporary Art Center, 타이베이, 대만
2002 ≪First Floor Indoor≫, Open Contemporary Art Center, 타이베이, 대만
White Rabbit Gallery, 호주
Tailor shop, National Taiwan museum of fine arts, 대만
Long Museum, 중국
National Taiwan museum of fine arts, 대만
Shuan-Ho Art Exhibition, 대만
National Museum of History, 대만